Saturday, June 13, 2020

The End Of The Crusades - Free Essay Example

The Crusades was a bunch of war between European Christians and Muslims. The crusades made a huge impact on the world. They had new ideas and brought back ideas from Rome. The Crusades were a series of religious wars between Christians and Muslim. They had a lot of   major impacts on Western Europe. The first Crusade was 1096-1099 A.D, The second Crusade was from 1146-1148 A.D. The third Crusade was from 1189-1291 A.D. The last Crusade ended around 1291 A.D. The Crusades lasted about 200 years. They were one of the most important groups in Europe and Middle East.   The western church and sustained the hating of the militarization all this impacted Europe in a good way. A military order is traditional, religious, and contains vows. It play roles in the non states today. The crusades did a lot for everyone. In Europe a lot of the national flags have a cross on it. The Crusades gave them the idea of the cross. They got the idea of the cross from the Crusades. The crusades didnt capture Jerusalem. Thousands of people passed as they tried to capture it. They suffered more the anyone. About 1.7 million people died in total trying to capture Jerusalem. The crusades increased the authority of the king. They made him have more power. Kings had to pass taxes to pay for the crusades. Some nobles had to sell land for the king or to get freedom. Peasants were free to leave. Young guys had to joined the crusades for adventure. If one of the peasants died, their land went to the king. The king got really powerful from all the land, money, people.   The Crusaders had to have money with them. The wealthy were taxed, and serfs were allowed to buy their freedom and sometimes their land. This increase in townspeople and free farmers eventually undermined feudalism. They had a good military personnel. They were good fighters. Their economy wasnt that great. They increased trade between Europe and East. They obtained new foods and household goods. New food was introduced to Europe like rice, coffee, spices, and new fruits. European sailors started to use the Arabic compass to find new places to live.   The new world was founded from this. The Crusades introduced the eastern windmill, and irrigation ditch to Europe. Both of these things helped with farming.   Crusaders returned from the Holy land bearing new ideas and concepts.   Trade and transportation also improved throughout Europe as a result of the Crusades. The failure of the later crusaders made the pope loose power and the kinds get way more.   The Crusades helped many people, the architecture from different places, looking at the clothing, ideas, and other things from different places. The Crusades introduced them to new things. The Crusades had their high points and their very low points. When the crusades ended the Pope got power, it got higher after the Crusades fell. The Crusades were between the armies of the Europe, mostly the Holy Roman Empire. European Crusader tried to get their Holy land back, so they kept trying to recapture it. During 1291 A.D Muslims captured the city of Arce. This was ending the Crusades. The Crusades did many things to impact. They also had some down fall to everything. Things wouldnt be the way they were now if they didnt exist.

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